“It’s not what you earn; it’s what you keep that matters, and it’s all God’s.”
Kingdom Financial Ministry* announces a new book dedicated to educating readers on how to manage their money in a failing economy, God’s way.
“In God we trust; the dollar we worship” is a self-help book dedicated to what the Word of God tells us about our money! The Bible is very clear on how we are to save, invest and spend our resources.
“In God we trust; the dollar we worship” will show the steps we should follow to unlock the power of God’s promise of abundance and provision in our lives, in a fallen world. The reader will be challenged by Biblical principles that will not only educate, but also re-affirm that in the Heavenly realm, money will not matter. With that in mind, worshiping the dollar here on Earth can have an impact on how we will spend eternity.
This book will also provide a forensic look into our economy and the leading indicators that drive it. Several chapters are dedicated to how to protect your assets in troubled times.** Learn what the experts on Wall Street say our future holds as well as what the Word tells us, with regard to money in “the last days”.
Donald A. Galade gleans from his experience of over twenty-five years in the financial services industry to show how America has replaced worshiping of our Heavenly Father with idolizing the almighty dollar.
As Galade describes, readers will:
• Understand the scriptures related to money and finance in plain language.
• Be able to use this knowledge in practical every-day applications.
• Enjoy a more fulfilled relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ by gaining a better understanding of His Word.
• Learn the difference between a savings and investments as well as gain functional understanding of the multitude of vehicles consumers have access to, and the applications in which they can be used.**
** This book is not written in an attempt to give specific investment, legal or tax advice. Readers are advised to seek qualified investment, legal and tax counsel before implementing any investment strategy or estate planning techniques.